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Poughkeepsie Farm Project, Poughkeepsie, NY

Poughkeepsie Farm Project (PFP), located on 12 acres at the Vassar Ecological Preserve in Poughkeepsie, New York, is dedicated to the training of future farmers through its apprenticeship program, as well as providing accessibility to affordable locally grown fruits and vegetables. PFP has been a FeedHV donor since the earliest days of the program in 2017, and has participated in over 440 food runs to 15 unique agencies, contributing over 64,000 pounds of their produce. Through CSAs, including the Hudson Valley CSA Coalition, which offers fifty percent

discounted CSA shares to members enrolled in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), maintaining a healthy diet is easier than ever before. Additionally, PFP educators offer online learning through virtual workshops and printable resources. Visitors can discover the wondrously varied world of the farm and familiarize themselves with the cycles of life through farm tours and activities pertaining to science, nutrition and justice. Farm and food classes educate the entire family in all aspects of growing, preparing and preserving food. Kids receive hands-on experience identifying vegetables, herbs and flowers through a series of classes which fosters farm and food-building skills.



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